Monday, September 15, 2008

Recap of Yesterday's Worship Pow-Wow

Since some of us were not able to attend the worship team meeting yesterday (we missed ya!) I wanted to give you a quick recap of what we covered…

The focus was on Doing Life & Ministry Together…and how that involves the heart and art of us as lead worshippers. Gordon shared about Beyond Sundays and how that will be starting this Weds, Sept. 17. He also shared about how his role as Pastoral Worship Leader has really opened the door for the worship team to see him and this ministry area as safe outlets to share, confide and ask for prayer and help. We want you to continue to know how much we value being on this journey of LIFE with you – not just what you offer musically but you as a person made whole. He also covered the team covenants and suggested we keep them in a visible place as a reminder of what we are mutually striving towards and desiring together. Finally, he shared how being a servant leader is at the heart of what it means to be a worshipper. Jesus is the ultimate model for us (Philippians 2).

I shared more on the ART side of the equation…I began by thanking all of you for your love and fellowship as I continue to become a part of the “family”. It has been a joy to lead and serve all of you. Then I hit on a bunch of different ways we can serve each other:

  • By bringing the best of our gifts & talents to the table each time we serve – never “mailing” it in!
  • By continuing to maximize the gifts & talents God has given us (see 1 Chron. 25:7 for inspiration)
  • By “releasing” our gifts to be used in whatever way best serves the needs of the team and congregation – this is a HUGE point and one I think we’ll need to keep revisiting. Nancy Beach refers to this as "holding our gifts loosely" in An Hour on Sunday
  • By looking to encourage one another each time we are on the team
  • By being willing to receive constructive feedback (Bonnie brought this up!) – in other words, recognizing we are all working towards the same goal (pointing each other towards our great God) and that we inspire each other to be the best we can
  • By NOT wishing we were playing with different people…
  • By making an effort to know who is running sound and PowerPoint and respecting their tasks
  • By coming to rehearsal on time and prepared…again, respecting your teammates and their time
  • FINALLY…by listening to each other. This is probably THE #1 thing every worship team I’ve ever worked with has to keep working on. I showed a clip from a Paul Baloche training DVD we are going to use in a workshop.

We ended with prayer. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Beyond Sundays starts this Weds. Please pray!
  • Sat., Nov. 1, 9 to noon – All-Team Workshop & New Song Jam (more details forthcoming)

Have a great week…

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