Friday, January 21, 2011

Parable of the Talents & Calling

Recently I've been thinking a lot about the idea of calling, and how we can more fully live into the things into which God has called you and me.

It began with P. Steve's message the first Sunday of the new year when he talked about the Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14-30). The way I interpret this story can be summed up in the statement "to whom much is given much is required." P. Steve pointed out that in the NT, a "talent" was a monetary measurement roughly equivalent to a million dollars. The master was entrusting a very large sum of money to his servants.

Although the parable speaks in terms of monetary wealth, I do think it's OK to interpret "talent" more generally, in the sense of special skills and gifts we've received from God (who is the Ultimate Giver - James 1:17). In our culture we think of talent more in terms of specialized abilities - such as, he has a real talent for playing football, or she is a talented teacher. If you are on the worship team you possess a certain talent, or perhaps multiple talents. You play an instrument(s), or you sing (maybe both). You've developed this talent to a point where it can be used to lead others into God's presence.

As P. Brian put it in his message this past Sunday, you "feel God's pleasure" when you use your talent in music to lead others in worship.

So how does this fit in with calling?

Jesus expects His followers to be faithful stewards of the "talents" that his Father so freely distributes. I believe He wants us to be maximize these talents to 1) glorify God and worship Him, and 2) minister to those around us. If you think about it, this is the essence of our calling. Sure, we each have specific "roles", be they vocational (to be a stay-at-home mom, or counselor, or investment banker), relational (to be a father or mother, husband or wife) or in ministry. But in each of these roles the calling is the same - to glorify God and minister to the people He's surrounded us with. Or, to put it another way, to live out the two greatest commandments: to love God and love others as yourself (Matt. 22:34-40).

So the question is, how well are we living out our calling with a capital C? How well are we stewarding the gifts, abilities, resources, influence that God has given us?

Here are some thoughts to ponder - particularly in the realm of continuing to grow as worship musicians:
  • What area do I need to grow in from a musical standpoint?
  • What skill would I like to improve in the coming year?
  • What areas are showing signs of rust or are beginning to stagnate?
  • How can I better connect my singing/playing with the goal of leading others in singing and worship?
  • Is there a way I can my musical gift outside of Sunday morning?

That's just a short list...and by no means do I want to make talents & calling all about your singing and playing on the worship team. That's just one way God has specifically gifted and called us - but there may be - there are - many others.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this subject!

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