It has been an amazing week hasn't it? Life interrupted, plans put on hold, a lot of time spent indoors. The amount of snow that surrounds us is absolutely amazing, beautiful, and yes, even a little scary - especially when you are two years old and looking up at a five foot drift (that would be my daughter Anna). As I've spent the past several days inside I have caught myself admiring the sheer magnitude of what has taken place all around me - and being awestruck by the One who superintends it all. God has definitely opened the "storehouses of snow" (Job 38:22)!
In the midst of all this snow we managed to open the doors for church this past Sunday (kudos to our maintenance crew). Those who were able to make it heard Pastor Brian preach on "Experiencing God" - the idea that we were designed to be in an intimate, growing relationship with the triune God. Although many of us know things about God, understand the gospel and espouse biblical beliefs and convictions, experiencing His presence - listening, conversing, meditating, communing - well, that seems a little more elusive, at least for me. But that's what Christ has secured for you and for me - a genuine, living, dynamic friendship with Himself.
One of my favorite Psalms says "taste and see that the Lord is good" (Ps. 34:8). I love how the psalmist invites us to experience God's presence - which is what we are doing when we are truly worshipping God. Pastor Brian had Connie & Janell powerfully demonstrate the difference between "reading" and "tasting" a cheesecake recipe. You and I shouldn't settle for just second-hand experience with God - we have been offered a personal relationship with God. The question is, what does that relationship look like? How do we experience His presence?
Over the past few years I have slowly come to the realization that I need to both "practice the presence of God" in my daily life as well as set aside time to read the Scriptures, pray, journal, etc. It's not a case of either/or but rather both/and. Yes, I am a slow learner. But God is gracious.
As I go throughout my day, I want to be aware to how God is present all around me. I want to be dialoguing with Him - praying, listening - as situations present themselves. As I was walking to the church the other day I was experiencing His presence as I noticed a couple cardinals chirping a way in the trees, and it reminded me of the line from the song "This is My Father's World" ("the birds their carols sing"). As I talk to my brothers in Christ I experience God as they speak the truth-in-love, sharpen and encourage me. As I lead others in worship I especially experience His presence - and feel His pleasure.
But I know I also need to be intentional - highly intentional as Pastor Brian would say - about my devotional time with Him. Right now this takes the form of reading the Bible, perhaps another devotional/Christian living book, praying and journaling. I am still learning what this looks like, but I know that if I want to experience the "abundant life" I need to regularly be engaged in these disciplines - along with "practicing the presence". If I don't take time to slow down, reflect, recover (!) I begin to lose some of that deep connected-ness with God. My intentional living factor goes way down.
So, those are my reflections on this past week's message - kind of raw and unfiltered. I hope you have a chance to think about this idea of experiencing God, and consider in what ways that is happening or can happen for you. If you missed Pastor Brian's message you can catch on the church website.
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