Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to Be Confident as a Vocalist

Hello Vocalists!

Came across a basic but helpful article on "How to Be a Confident Singer" over at the WorshipCommunity website (they have lots of great articles for us worship musicians). If you have a chance check it out -

In my opinion the most important thing we can do as vocalists is to regularly warm-up and exercise our voices. You've all heard the analogies of the runner who attempts to run a marathon without proper preparation and training - well, it's cliched but true - we can't sing for a couple hours on Sunday (when you count rehearsal) and hope to be in peak form without warming and stretching our vocal chords and the supporting muscles.

As vocalists we are in it for the long haul - so let's do everything we can to keep our voices strong and healthy!

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